SkyWarrior Fleet

Large Fleet, Less Delays, Faster Training....... Questions?
Fleet Overview
Cessna 172 (34 Total In Fleet)
Primary Use
Private Pilot Certificate
Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot Certificate
Timebuilding/Rental Aircraft

Each SkyWarrior 172 is currently being updated with Dual G5 Garmin panel displays (pictured above right) as well as the Garmin 650. This upgrade will allow students to get experience with aviation electronics, while keeping the cost of flight training at an competitive price point.
Piper PA-44 Seminole (4 Total In Fleet)
Primary Use
Multi-Engine Rating
Multi-Engine Add-On
Airline Transport Pilot
Timebuilding/Rental Aircraft

The Piper Seminole is unique in that their is no "critical engine". This makes the aircraft very attractive for new multi-engine pilots as well as students who are participating in multi-engine flight training.
RedBird SD Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD)
Primary Use
Private Pilot (2.5 Hours)
Instrument Rating (20 Hours)
Commercial Pilot (50 Hours)
ATP (25 Hours)
IPC Check (Mostly)
Instrument Currency Requirements

The Redbird SD is approved as an FAA Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) by the FAA. The use of this simulator for courses both 141 and 61 (hours listed above) can drastically reduce the cost of flight training. Additionally, sim use is a great way to keep your FAA Instrument Rating current as well as basic aviation practice, particularly your instrument skills.